So I am on my way to a Mission Possible now. Thank God for his provision in making this trip possible. This time, besides training caregivers at the orphanage, I felt specially led to share the good news with my grandma. She is almost deaf, cannot read nor write, doesn't speak mandarin. Sounds impossible for her to “hear” the good news, huh? I’ve actually tried to share the gospel with her before. But God doesn't give up every individual. He doesn’t give up my family and he is sending me message to go and do my part.
Am I nervous? After spending a night camping out at the airport and am getting ready for another 15 hours travel, I’m having a mixed feeling. I felt led, but I don’t know how God is going to use me. Similar to Moses, I don’t feel confident/qualified, which shows this is the mean time for me to fully trust Him (Again).
1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NIV)
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God's power.
I pray that God will give me courage and wisdom when I am spending time with my family, and reading bible story picture book together. God will touch my family’s heart, not just ears.
Please pray for me.
I am going to do several tasks during this trip. Day1, renew my VISA; Day 2-7 spend time with my mentors, visit the public orphanage (if possible); Day 7-12, be with my grandma; Day 13-18, help train caregivers in the children’s home, and be a nice daughter in the afternoon & evenings. Esply pray that I will be loving and patient with my family because I want to be God's light in their lives.
There are many things I have to do otherwise I will feel regret. I am given the opportunity to do some of them now.